An update on the life and times of the Patik family.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Whistle while you work...

Cleaning the house. Ugh! I don't always want to do it, but I do like a clean house.  It takes a lot to keep the house clean and the more people there, the harder it becomes. 

Over the past few weeks, Steve and I have started discussing a chore list and allowance for Talia.  She is old enough to be helping out around the house and as a core family value we believe that everyone should pitch in to help. 

But it is a conundrum for us.  We don't want her to do her chores simply because of money, but we want her to learn the value of earning a dollar.  Makes me rack my brain to try and remember how my parents did it! 

For now, we have emphasized three basic 'duties' that she should be doing daily; clearing her dishes after a meal, dressing herself daily, keeping her room clean/bed made.  She will not be earning money for these chores but rather beginning to build a foundation.  These chores promote manners, self responsibility and general cleanliness. But, it's not for nothing....

She is regularly bombarded with hugs, kisses and thank you's.  And once a week one of us will take her out for 'Talia Time' and she can choose a reward...the $1 bins at Target are AWESOME!  In the next year we will start adding a few more 'duties' to her list and assign a monetary amount to each based on frequency.  Meaning, one time doesn't earn money, but three times a week consistently would.

Today, as I was picking up after Talia was at school I noticed Sydney picking up some things and walking around the house.  She too was helping pick up the house.  It was so adorable. We stopped picking up and just giggled and played. After all, that's more fun!

I am so proud of my girls!  I am so excited for the days ahead to watch them grow. For now, I will enjoy each day as it comes and cuddle my girls every moment I get! One day they'll be picking up their own houses!

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