An update on the life and times of the Patik family.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Season Finale

I don't watch a ton of TV, but I do admit that when I do get a chance I love a good reality show (or HGTV.)  One of my favorite late night channels is E!. 

As of now, a few of their reality shows are coming to an end for the season and it is season finale time! The key to a great season finale is the cliffhanger, right?  That one event that leaves you craving more so you'll think of it and gossip about it for the next five months until the show starts again. 

It got me thinking.  If my life was a reality show what would be my season finale cliffhanger?

-Will the front yard ever be complete?  How far over budget will the Patik's go?
-Will Sydney stop wetting her pants and learn to stop and use the potty regardless of how exciting playtime is?
-With license plates due on the second car that has high mileage and in need an emissions test combined with the DMV registration system down, will the Patik's be able to register the vehicle in time to avoid fees and tickets?

I'll admit that my life is not that thrilling.  But then again, are the reality shows all that thrilling? No.  They have great producers and know exactly when to cut the tape to make you want more. 

Stay tuned...there's always a buzz at the beehive!


  1. Cute, lol. I love cliffhangers--I totally get sucked in and can't wait until the next season!

  2. All good questions. One of my favorite questions is who will play you in the movie about your life?
